Paleo Lemon Rosemary Berry Crumble
Paleo Recipes

Lemon Rosemary Berry Crumble (Paleo)

As my status last week said, I went on a lovely vacation with my family. It was my son’s very first out of town adventure and his first time sleeping anywhere overnight but his bedroom. Those of you that are parents to children with very strict schedules will all be sending sighs of understanding my way. Our baby rooster crowed around 4 a.m. every morning. Luckily, I am use to waking up this early and in all honesty, it just means more playtime and we were always the first to get breakfast! We actually expected that sleeping at a strange place would prove to be a challenge. Also, it didn’t help that he had two teeth when we arrived on vacation and left with six…SIX! It was like walking in with a bunny and coming back out with a shark. This is all a segue to my recipe, I promise. The hotel we stayed at pampered their guests with blackberry and apple crumble accompanied by soft serve ice cream every single night, starting at 9PM to be precise. When 9 o’clock hits, you will hear room doors fly open and heavy foot steps all trudging towards the same direction as if someone had pulled the fire alarm. Most of the guests participated in the nightly indulgence at the Community Room. And every single night I sat and watched as my girlfriend and son enjoyed their dessert with a gluteny twinkle in their eyes. This got me thinking, with a jealous twinkle in MY eye, that I haven’t seen a Paleo crumble and I mean one that tastes as a crumble should. I want a thick base chock full of berries and a crunchy top. I wanted a gluten-free crumble that would make a hard-core crumble fanatic roll their eyes in delight. And, by God, I think I did it. It’s alive…IT’S ALIVE!! It is my Paleo Lemon Rosemary Berry Crumble.

Lemon Rosemary Berry Crumble:



1 Cup – Sliced Almonds

½ Cup – Papitas

½ Cup – Sunflower Seeds

Lemon Zest of 2 Lemons

1½ Tsp – Ground Dried Rosemary

½ Cup – Coconut Sugar

2 Tsp – Blackstrap Molasses

1 Cup – Nut Meal (I used half cashew, half almond)

1 – Large Egg



1 Cup – Blueberry

1 Cup – Rasperry

2 Cups – Boysenberry (Can Sub Blackberry)

1 Tbsp – Lemon Juice

2 Tbsp – Ground Cinnamon

5 Blocks or ¼ Cup – Palm Sugar blocks or Honey

½ Cup – Water

¼ Cup – Tapioca Starch

Paleo Lemon Rosemary Berry CrumbleAre you excited for the crumble? Because I am very excited. Let’s talk about the ingredients. I know I have said many times that I like cooking with the seasons, but let’s make today an exception. I actually used frozen berries, which is easily found in your local or organic grocer. You are more than welcome to use fresh berries. I used a combination of blueberries, raspberries, and boysenberries. You can sub the boysenberries with blackberries if you can’t find it. If you can’t find papitas or sunflower seeds, you can use all sliced almonds, my recipes are fairly flexible.

If you cannot find coconut palm sugar blocks (I use smaller ones that are half dollar size in diameter and about a centimeter in thickness, you can usually find these at Asian grocers) you can sub with Honey, which can be found in any grocery store. The outcome will fairly similar.

Paleo Lemon Rosemary Berry CrumbleLet’s start by making your berry filling. I would thaw out your berries if you opt for the frozen route. Mix all your berries in a large mixing bowl. Next, melt your 5 blocks of palm sugar blocks with the 1/2 cup of water. I submerge the blocks in the water and microwaved it for 2 minutes. If you opt for honey, just mix the 1/4 cup of honey with 1/2 cup of warm water. Now, pour your syrup mixture over the berries, add in the lemon juice, cinnamon and tapioca starch. Now mix your filling until there are no tapioca starch lumps in it. Pour the mixture into a 6×9 casserole dish or a dish of your choice and set it aside.

Now, let’s make the lemon rosemary crumble. First, please preheat your oven to 350°. The crumble is really easy to make, in a large mixing bowl, mix all of the crumble ingredients together by hand until they are all well incorporated with one another and that’s it! If you want to use fresh rosemary instead, make sure it is chopped up very finely. Now lay the crumble over the berry mixture evenly and pop that sucker in the oven for 40-45 minutes until the berry mixture is no longer runny and the crumble on top is nice and crisp.

Do let the lemon Rosemary berry crumble sit for about 15 minutes to cool down. The reason being, this allows the crumble to cool down and the berry mixture will thicken as the temperature start to lower. I am not sure how you like to eat your crumbles, but I really wanted ice-cream. There is a variety of paleo friendly ice-creams/gelatos out there. Today, I chose to use my 80/20 quota and pamper myself with some BLVD Ice Cream. If you have never had their ice cream, you should definitely try to find it. It is some of the best ice cream out there. And no, I’m not getting paid to say this, the ice cream is just THAT good. I used their Vanilla Custard ice cream. If you don’t want ice cream, you can use whipped coconut cream or regular whipped cream. If that doesn’t do it either, the crumble by itself is still heavenly!

Paleo Lemon Rosemary Berry CrumbleThe Paleo Lemon Rosemary Berry crumble itself is just a great mixture of textures, the crunch and the gooey filling, with a wonderful lemon rosemary aroma. Top it off with a scoop of ice cream and you have the perfect combination, both hot and cold compliments each other very well. I’d say you should definitely try this and I promise you, you will not be disappointed. There it is guys, Lemon Rosemary Berry Crumble. I hope you have enjoyed my recipe and my weekly ramble. Eat up my friends!




Paleo Strawberry Peach Clafoutis











6 Comment

    1. You are what you eat! 🙂 When your diet is on track, everything else will follow.

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