Paleo Cauliflower Cottage Pie

Cauliflower Cottage Pie (Paleo)

Say it with me, cauliflower cottage pie. What is a cauliflower cottage pie? It is a cottage pie, more commonly known as a shepherd’s pie, topped with mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes. It is believed that cottage pies originated from Scotland. Usually its anatomy consist of a meat and gravy filling topped with mashed potatoes. […]

Cauliflower Risotto

Cauliflower Risotto w/ Butternut Squash

Man oh man, where do I even start? Life is wonderful. I have a loving, beautiful and extremely supportive girlfriend who listens to my personal podcast of everything food and cooking (More like me rambling on and on). My son is healthy, energetic and happy. He is constantly smiling, especially when he helps us “redecorate” […]